Tuesday, September 25, 2012

My Rum Diary # 1

As many of you know, my birthday is in 24 days.

I will be old.  Perhaps even middle-aged as my family tradition goes.

I have decided to celebrate by going to Buccaneer Days on Catalina Island.

That happens 10/5, 6, 7.

Only a handful of fellow scalawags will be able to actually be there
with me, so I’ve decided to help you with your feelings of loss.

Here’s what I want for my birthday.


I want you all to give me Rum.

Any kind of Rum will do.

Real Rum. ShamRum.  Virtual RumRum gift certificates.
Your favorite recipes involving Rum.  Pictures of you and others drinking Rum.
Pouring Rum on your naked parts.  Feeding Rum to derelicts and animals.
To small children.

Whatever you think.

If you want to literally give me Rum, I’ll send you my mailing address.
And I'll love you forever.  Srrrrrsly.

Try to get it to me by 10.4 as I want to take it to the island.

Or I can give you my paypal and you can tell me what kind of Rum
I must buy once I receive your booty.

I just want Rum and I want you to decide what kind of Rum I should have.

I want all kinds of Rum.

I’m going to start buying bottles so I have a vast array.
Cheap.  Expensive. Good.  Bad.  Light.  Dark.  Spiced.  Straight.


Just give me the Rum.

(Oh but no Rum with Coconut.  Not that Malibu shit  . . .

Okay, I’ll drink whatever.  Who’re we kidding!?!)

Also, if you want to have some Rum with me and aren’t on
the crew of the Confusion, i.e. going to BD, just stop by after
4p on Thursday 10.4 and help me get my sea-legs on for the

Super Casual, but you better have Rum.

If you’re good I may even mix up some Bumbo!  Yep.

By Sunday 10.7 I want to be marooned and screaming about
the Rum being gone.

But that only works if we have lots of Rum.

The first bottle I bought is the first picture below.

I’m going to keep buying bottles.  Every day I can.

And I'll take pictures.  Rum porn.  *licks chops*

Other suggestions are heartily welcomed, especially from
my Boricuan amigos!

Ay yi yi!


Quartermaster Dibbs


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